05 April 2009

If I posted this already I apologize

Cantiflas was not pleased. “What is wrong with you?” Did it not occur to you what might happen?”

This delivery brought a hurried reaction from Doctor Davis, working to quiet the aggravated owner. “Hey, hey now. Can we have that a wee bit quieter now? This is a hospital you know.” As soon as I realized our Doctor was Scottish, I decided he was awesome. Luckily he’d done nothing since then to disrupt that declaration.

Cantiflas visibly attempts to calm himself. “Yes, of course. I’m sorry. My frustration got the better of me.”

“No problems there. Better out than in, right? Tell you what, I can discharge these two fellows and you can take them outside to yell at them all you want.” Doctor Davis paused after this statement, considering it as he looked upward. “Well obviously not right outside. You know, get a bit away from the hospital and then yell at them. Okay?”

Cantiflas nodded but encouraged him to stay a moment yet. “I know of the condition of my wrestlers bar Robbie V. Do you have any word on his status?”

Doctor Davis’ brow furrowed as he flipped through the papers on his clipboard. “Robbie V, Robbie V,” he muttered. “Ah, Robert Snakowski! I believe he’s in surgery at the moment; broke his leg you see. Not sure on the severity of the injury but if he’s in surgery it must be awkward.”

This information did not please Cantiflas. “Thank you Doctor. I’ll check in on him again later. I can verify the insurance information is accurate at that time as well.”

“Glad to be of help. Now remember, no yelling at those two until you’re well away. Have a good rest of the night.” His eye caught the clock, causing him to append his statement. “Well, good morning anyway.”

The sad ‘little kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar’ expression remained on the Smasher’s face until the door clicked closed behind the medical man. “Yeah, quit with the yelling Cantiflas,” he teased.

Cantiflas looked concerned. “Was it too much?” he questioned.

“I thought it was just right,” El Hombre noted from his prone position on the bed. “That said, the gentleman was probably correct in noting that you were a little loud.”

“Nevermind that now,” Cantiflas has his question answered and realigned his thoughts, “I heard you jumped from the balcony of the bar.”

I nod. “I saw him do it.”

“You’re the one I heard it from,” Cantiflas commented. “I was looking to hear this from the ‘horse’s mouth’ as it were.”

El Hombre sat up slowly, favoring the soreness of his lower personage. “I did indeed do a plancha from the balcony of ‘Breakers down to the battle on the floor.”

This excited Cantiflas. “Madness! I wonder if anyone recorded the action with their phone. I’ll have to get Young Miguel to make a search for the website. If footage exists, we must have a copy of it or, at the very least, a link to it.”

“I didn’t do it with an audience in mind,” El Hombre noted. “I did it because I felt it was the best way to end the battle.”

Smasher interjected. “I’m just glad you didn’t land on me; my neck is bad enough.”

Cantiflas politely ignored this comment to continue the conversation. “I know you didn’t do it with an audience in mind but we need the positive attention from our fanbase. We are under attack. We need them to see the lengths we will go to in order to protect our turf. We need them to see that we will do what it takes to fight back!”

“I hope you are not hoping they will think that they will see further daredevil jumps on my part.” Carefully El Hombre stood up. “I think I’m done with those for the time being.” Slowly, tenderly, he started walking. He grunted and fussed as he moved. “I need some whiskey.” I waved his prescription at him and reminded him of its existence. He waved back at it. “Pills make me nervous; the chance of getting addicted is so high.”

This drew a chuckle from Smasher. “And you’re not addicted to alcohol?”

As he neared the door, El Hombre’s gait continued to loosen up and relax. “I understand the side effects of alcohol upon me and its cheaper than pills. Now, let’s stop worrying about my medication habits and just get me to it.”

Smasher stood up to follow. “Seems ta me that’s what we were working on when this mess started.”

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