07 April 2009

'The Ten Doctors' webcomic

I don't normally point out links as I add them to the sidebar but felt a need to do so this time. No offense to everyone else I've added and NOT mentioned. It's not like that, really. Oh fine, come back when you're done pouting.

I added a link to 'The Ten Doctors' webcomic today. In theory the story is nearly done so, if you haven't read it yet, you should be able to get through the bulk of it and not have to wait around for the wrap-up too long. It is over 200 pages so it might take you a little reading.

Why have I added it and why talk about adding it?

It's a Doctor Who fan fiction. I'm familiar with those from all aspects. It's rare to have a story go on for this long, with this many characters, and yet remain so good. It's funny. It's scary. It has cliffhangers. It's just good reading.

It's not perfect. Some of the companions are a little hard to distinguish from one another, which I think is often due to the author's art style. Typos sneak in from time to time. Occasionally the action in a panel is difficult to decipher. On the whole, these are quibbles. They are occasional. They do not damage the overall enjoyment of the piece.

The overall enjoyment of the piece is the grand joining of old and new Who. Together again for the first time, everybody and then some join together to fight a ripple in Time that's monkeying with the events of the Time War. If you've been a long-time fan (such as myself), there's a lot of references to make you giggle. Today's strip had one such reference, with a piece of machinery not seen since 'The Chase'. For the newer Who fans, don't worry, all gets explained. References are noted in the text summary or the comments, so you'll be filled into what's going on if it isn't clear.

If I could draw, I wish this is a story I was doing. That's the main reason I'm linking to it. I've written and read a sizable amount of fan fiction and most of it belongs as fan fiction. Sometimes they have good ideas but poor execution of them. Sometimes it's a good story idea told well, but not developed as well as it could be. Sometimes they go in directions you don't enjoy. Sometimes they're just not very good, more enthusiasm than anything else. Occasionally you get a story that steps beyond it's boundaries a bit and is just good. This is one such story.

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