01 March 2008

Just stopping by

Nothing complicated to say today. I realize I've been slacking of late, been busier than normal, sick, blah, blah, blah excuses all of them. This is my practice/play/express area and will only improve my skills if I use it as such.


I've never really considered myself popular because I wasn't that guy in school. I wasn't the guy that was going to be voted 'best' or 'top' anything at the end of my senior year of high school because I wasn't known by everyone in that way. That lack of status always pleased me because I never sought it. I am who I am. Sure I 'jellyfish' a bit by not being very forceful about my opinions at times (I am willing to let other people be right if it's not worth the argument) but that's still me being me. For what that's worth.

Occasionally I run into other people I know when I'm out with one set of friends ('crossing the streams' as it were) but not often. That's generally the role my other friends with me play. 'Oh this is such-and-such from work' or 'that's the guy I was telling you about that I know through my brother' or whatever.

Last night George and I went to the car show and it was my turn to be that guy. Senor popular. Ran into a couple sets of friends from work and a group via brother, all within the space of 10-15 minutes or so. It was kinda fun.

It unnerves me a little as well. After that I crossed the paths of the Compound Geeks and the Point Crew. People I work with have been really nice to me the past week or so. Am I sick and no one's told me yet? I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. I should really just enjoy it while it lasts but I guess I'm a little paranoid as well.

Just me being me.