30 August 2006

Be back soon

Having some (hopefully) minor vision issues. Be back soon when I can, well, see properly again. I'll explain later.

Or, to put it another way: MY VIS-ION IS IM-PAR-ED!!! MY VIS-ION IS IM-PAR-ED!!! EX-TER-MIN-ATE!

Or something.

27 August 2006

Nothing like a project

The PC I normally use to access the internet is all full at the moment. By full, I mean low disk space. In addition to that, I need to reinstall XP on it and it's all clogged up with junk anyway. So I have another in a long line of at home projects working. I mostly finished one of my work projects just in time to get temporarily transfered to one of our other sites. It's been one of those fun little sudden busy times.

I got Simpsons Season Eight last week. I'm having fun remembering where a good chunk of my vocabulary comes from. The first Season of 'The Tick' and the third (and final) Season of 'Arrested Development' come out this week. In other words, I'll be swimming in TV DVDs for another couple days anyway. Mmm...