04 April 2009

This may be cheating but it's also a test

Most online quizzes are a bit silly really. The title is 'which so and so are you?', the questions and responses are pretty clear that if I pick response A, I'm leaning towards Character A, and the results are no surprise. I took a 'Which Doctor Who are you?' today and the questions and responses were nicely mixed, perhaps because there were ten Doctors to pick from, they had to work harder. I actually had no clue Who I was getting and was quite pleased to see my result.

Your Result: 2nd Doctor


"Oh my giddy aunt!" You are fun-loving, and excitable but that doesn't hinder your ability to plan ahead. Although when things get tough you may have trouble at first, you'll always find a way through. You may overact to entertain or take cover, but you're a solid person underneath, something only true friends understand.

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