30 March 2009

I just don't get it

At the risk of sounding like the crazy old man who ain't what he used to be, I don't understand the point of Twitter.

I understand some of the points of Twitter. It's like sending a text to a mailing list. I can see how it could be handy when reporting from an event. "Hey I'm at the Brewer game and almost caught a foul ball." That sort of thing. Just walking around on a daily basis though? How many people are interesting enough or witty enough to use 240 characters on a regular basis and have it be of interest. "Hey, I'm eating a hot dog!" is not the sort of thing that really grabs the interest.

I'm afraid that the next step is a mobile device with a GPS that would automatically update a site with your location. Then you can read 'Steve is in bed.' 'Steve is in the kitchen.' 'Steve is in the bathroom.' 'Steve is still in the bathroom.'

Won't that be fun?

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