06 February 2009

It's been a Muppety week

Found some Muppet audio during the course of the week that made me happy and now I'm finally dubbing some of my current still somewhat rare Muppet video onto DVD. First there was 'The Muppets go to the Movies' and now 'A Muppet Family Christmas' is running. The best part about the latter show is the crossover in the characters. You get Muppet Show characters, Fraggle Rock characters, and Sesame Street characters altogether. The Muppet Newsman gets a rare appearance. Cookie and Animal make friends. Live action Muppet Babies. Good stuff.

Best so far is Oscar refusing to sing along with the carol. He sticks to his guns and I love that.


Anonymous said...

::Gasp:: Live action Muppet Babies? How did that work? I want to see that, should do that at the compound one of these weeks. Muppet Babies, there's another toon they need to do DVD's for. I have some from the toys, I want seasons!

Unknown said...

The first appearance of the Muppet Babies was live action in 'The Muppets take Manhattan' movie. They spun the show off from that sequence in the film.

In 'A Muppet Family Christmas' they're all at Fozzie's mom's house and find a film of them as kids. It's pleasantly weird hearing the actual Muppeteers do the baby voices instead of the cartoon Baby voices like Dave Coulter.