10 February 2009

I took myself to the Museum today

I was wandering around the third floor, taking notes for a game that might be worth playing or might not. I headed over to the Africa wing to check on the location of a couple items and look in on the Decapitated Director Dummy in Morocco when... something moved. I was just stepping into the courtyard when something clearly moved in the exhibit. I gasped slightly and my hand lept to my chest in surprise.

Then I heard a giggle. A guard sat by one of the doors to the 'building'. It was open and was clearly an access point into the exhibit window. I could now see that a couple of museum workers were in the exhibit. The guard smiled and said hi.

I muttered something about that being different, glanced at the dummy, and stepped away, heart pumping like mad.

I should have known better; I'd seen someone vacuuming an animal in the Rain Forest exhibit a half-hour before. That was weird too.

Scientific 'Creepy Jesus' count for the European Village = 34. It seems like there should be more than that but they did take the Christmas decorations down so maybe there were more the last times I went.

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