24 April 2010

Hero to Drunk Girls in Parking Lots

The game had not been a good one. The Brewers had faced their fierce division rivals the Cubs. The Brewer pitcher had never kept the team in the game. We had people in our assigned seats and we ended up just wandering around the ball park, watching the game from different angles around the field. Certainly we COULD have made those people move or just sat in available seats but our pre-game entertainment hadn't put us in that kind of mood. By the time the game was over and we headed back to the car, it was drizzling on and off. Things were wet but not soaked. We got Saxophone guy to play a different song, tipped him, and laughed back to the car.

Since it was not actually raining, it had been decided it was not yet time to depart. The trunk was opened and then my buddy went to start up the radio. I intended to start extracting the chairs from the trunk but I was suddenly approached by a stranger. "Do you have an extra beer or two?" She'd appeared as if from nowhere. While I'm not good with determining age, she did look to be of the legal drinking age and was rather attractive with her dark hair and blue eyes. I popped open the cooler enough so that I could see inside and do some math. "Wait, you are a Brewers fan, right?" She checked my shirt and saw that I was here to cheer for the home team before making her request again with sad but hopeful eyes.

Whatever. I still had a few beverages remaining and handed over two. "Wow, PBR!" I'm not sure if she was being sarcastic or not. I'm going with not. She gave me a warm hug, thanked me a few times, and they wandered off. I shrugged my shoulders and returned to getting the chairs set-up.

Later, after we were comfortable, some of our pre-game entertainers returned. A large group of college aged girls had parked near us and we semi-watched the Worst Game of Beer Pong Ever. I don't know that there was a successful completion in the game as the ping pong ball seemed to always be bouncing on the ground, headed our way. Now, I know what you might be thinking, maybe this was their clumsy way of being able to come say hi to us? I'm going with no. They would have stayed and chatted rather than apologize and run back to their game.

We did interact with two of them more than the others. One was a gal of rather slender frame that my buddy recognized from a former workplace and made the mistake of telling her so. This made her visit us more frequently. Due to her limited stature, she had gone from zero to drunk in the words of her friend that apologized for her. This friend was not drunk, friendly, and an attractive blond from Minnesota that nearly attacked me with violence when I stated that the Twins should-a put-a roof on their new stadium.

They returned to depart and had some packing up to accomplish before they could do so. They greeted us as they went past and then there was some fumbling. A lot of fumbling. Finally we got up to see what was going on.

The vehicle belonged to the drunk thin girl. She had no plans to drive it as that task had already been handed off to Minnesota. However, they needed to get the trunk open to store the grill. There was some trick to the trunk handle that the drunk girl could articulate but not accomplish. After they fumbled with it again, I stepped it. She unlocked the trunk, I rolled the hidden part of the latch forward and then popped open the trunk. Success on the first try! We received thanks but no hugs this time. They packed up, we sat down. They drove past, we waved to each other.

That's how I played the Hero to Drunk Girls last night.


Jill said...

But did you get any phone numbers?

Unknown said...

*laughs* I said I was a Hero, not that I suddenly had game... :)