25 April 2010

Doctor Who - 'The Time of Angels' review


After saving River Song, the Doctor and Amy find themselves wrapped up in her adventure, exploring a crashed spaceship that held in its hold... a Weeping Angel. They seek to shut it down but are stuck in the dark, underground, with more danger around them.


It's fun to watch how irritated the Doctor becomes when River's around. She's fun, flirty, and forceful. It's unclear as to why she gets on his nerves. Is it her knowledge of his future? Is it his knowledge of hers? Is it just that he feels 'forced' into dealing with her because their timelines aren't synced up? It doesn't seem personal, apart from her ordering him about and calling him 'sweetie'.

The Angels were creepy in 'Blink' and that doesn't change here. We barely see them and that makes them all the more frightening. The dark doesn't help. The cave they find themselves exploring would be creepy without the Angel in it.

Amy gets to sulk, be playful, and be very, very clever. She seems amused by the concept that River and the Doctor may be husband and wife at some point. Perhaps she's confused. She doesn't seem offended, as if she was claiming him, which is good. Amy also gets to be very afraid, which is good against the Angels.

The Doctor continues to be the sort of guy that speaks, realizes what he's said and who to, and then apologizes. A bit. This is entertaining when the apology isn't accepted.

This episode gets really creepy as it goes along. This is a good thing.

No crack in reality this episode but the trailer for next week does show one as well as the Doctor noticing it. Good! That thread won't be ignored by our favorite Time Lord for the bulk of the Series and wrapped up in two episodes. At least that's what I'm guessing, I don't know.

If some of the earlier episodes in the season felt breezy to you, then halfway through this episode things get Very Serious Indeed.

Excellent stuff.

(Post 700)

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