23 April 2010

A Few Thoughts on Comics from The Past Couple Weeks

Walt Disney Comics #705 explains the premise of the 'World to Come' storyline now that we're in the third part. Much of the mystery is peeled aside. The story is so gloriously Disney sci-fi that it's beautiful. Well meaning scientists. Giant computers. Fixing the world. Too much power for any one person. This is great!

Hack/Slash #31 continues the super-hero godbox storyline. It's great and dreary at the same time. I'm not sure why I'm not enjoying this more. The characters are well defined. It's a traditional slasher set-up. There's a twist in the end of the episode. It's just not clicking for me for some reason.

Hercules - Fall of an Avenger #2 does a number of things. It features a team selection sequence straight from the schoolyard. It takes a big time villain and dismisses him in seconds. It sets up the next stage of these characters and hints that Hercules is still alive. Should have been better, could have been worse.

The Tick #3 explains that the Tick is not good at plumbing. He also fights feral mimes in a sewer. That's how bad at plumbing he is; he ends up in a sewer. Funny!

Transformers - Last Stand of the Wreckers #4 features explanations, trouble, and things getting very, very deep. Still engrossing.

Simpsons Comics #165 gets points for having an ad for the new series of Doctor Who inside its front cover. The story is standard Homer and Marge have a tiff. Not bad but nothing special.

The Muppet Show Comic Book #4 features a character that goes nameless. She referred to as a lot of things but, apparently due to some licensing issues, never gets named. She's Scooter's twin sister and is clearly meant to be an older version of Skeeter from Muppet Babies! Wow! The art is by the lady that drew the Muppet Peter Pan series that was so awesome. Great issue!

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