10 February 2010

Let's Talk About the Formerly Secret Project a Bit Then

Some years ago, I created a storyline, a universe really, where I could tell whatever kind of story I wanted. In short, the concept was that the world's myths and legends, even those that exist today that wouldn't be considered myths and legends, were real in some way or another. In jest, I refer to this as the 'Steve-verse' and the bulk of my fiction since then is set there, whether obviously or not.

The original piece that started all this was an idea for a novel told in the first person, from the point-of-view of a young man named Patrick Thompson. He reads a lot, knows a few people of interest, but has no abilities beyond that of a normal human. The hope is that the general audience will identify with him as he gets into the occasional bit of trouble that's far over his head. The novel took years to finish as I wrote it in chronological order from Patrick's POV and sometimes I'd get stuck. Once it was done, I realized it needed a lot of work to be finished and needed a certain...something. The something eluded me and the manuscript sat waiting for inspiration.

The character and the universe he inhabits didn't wait idle. Patrick is in the thick of one of El Hombre de Silla's adventures but that story is currently unfinished as well. This is also the situation of another idea for a novel with other characters but set in that universe. 'Unfinished' is a trend of sorts at the moment.

A few months ago while pondering the original Patrick novel, I considered the writing style I'd used and the goals associated with it. The file names are titled 'Daily' because my original goal was to write about a page a day for the story. Hmm, first person storytelling, on a regular basis, with short updates that could tell a longer story when put all together?

Lightning bolt of an idea! That's a blog!

Patrick's been blogging since December of 2009. Some weeks are a bit mundane, some more exciting. My current goal is for him to update at least four times a week and we've hit that, most weeks anyway. The unfinished novel did happen to him, in some form or another, and I do plan to use bits of it as time goes on. He might even tell some stories he hears from his friends, if any occur to me. Overall, the goal is to give you something you can catch up with while on a coffee break but not so much at once that it feels like homework.


I hope you like it.

And that's my excuse for not blogging much last week as I was writing a lot of Patrick's story. Wasn't lazy just otherwise busy.

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