23 December 2009

Brief grump

Hate complaining but I'm going to do so briefly to get it over and done with.

Determined that my right contact lens was in inside-out the other day and went to fix it yesterday. Intense pain that I mistook for my eye readjusting instead of foreign materials. When it just didn't go away, I eventually wised up and removed the contact. Went about a day only sort of being able to see. Got a new contact in there this afternoon and it went in all comfortable and smooth, like it should. Much better.

Unfortunately that makes it easier to see the problems with my TV. It has bands of visual interference that slowly climb and distort the picture. It's accompanied by audible feedback. It's worse on certain inputs. I'm wondering if there's a bad cable that's leaking back and forth. Another theory is that my recent use of the component input for the first time since getting the TV overloaded something inside the TV and it's blowing out. Maybe it's something crossing over with the old receiver I also have plugged into the TV. I'm hoping to have time tomorrow to tear the home theatre apart and see if I can uncover the problem. I'm really hoping it's just a cable. I really don't want to get a new TV at this time. Not if I can help it anyway.

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