19 August 2009

Hell's Kitchen Episode Six

Let's do this one straight-away. As it's the day after the episode aired, spoiler warnings apply.

This is Episode Six aka 11 Chefs Compete according to the guide.

Recap: The challenge is referred to as a 'decisive victory' for the Blue Team led by Robert. Kevin's assistance during service is pointed out, although it didn't seem that big a deal during the episode itself. Tek 'crashed and burned', Tennille 'struggled' and Amanda 'disappointed'. Blue Team takes over Red Kitchen, defeat is 'humiliating'. Tennille 'fights back'. Tek goes home.

As the Teams get dismissed, Chef Ramsey calls over Amanda. He encourages her to bounce back quickly from this as he's counting on her. He seems concerned. No yelling. Nice moment. It's not the sort of thing he normally does.

Upstairs, Robert points out that the Red Team lacks teamwork while they are on a roll. One more service and they are 'crushed'. This would seem accurate as Tennille is still expressing her anger with her Team. In Interview she notes that the past is the past and they need to get over it. It's not clear to me what she means. I believe she means to say 'I had some problems during service in the past but I've gotten better but they won't let go of the mistakes I made the other day.' If that's the case, I understand what she's saying. If she's saying 'forget about yesterday's mistakes and don't connect them with today's mistakes' then I don't get it. They are judged on an overall basis. If they improve, fine. If someone's constantly struggling, they go. Yesterday shouldn't be a millstone around your neck if you learn from it and move on but, if you don't, it will be.

The next day, the next challenge: create a three course meal that is only 700 calories in total. Appetizer, entree, and dessert. Robert notes in Interview he takes 700 calorie bites when he eats. Ha! Ingredients are labeled for them with a calorie count. Nutritionists will assure that the calorie count for the meal is within the limits. The best tasting dishes according to Chef will win the challenge. 45 minutes and go!

The Blue Team splits into 2 man teams to tackle each part of the meal. Even before adding dessert, the Blue Team is over a 1000 calories. It takes them over half their time just to fiddle their portion size to fit. They struggle to make it work. Their meal ends up totaling 597 calories.

On the Red Side, Sabrina notes that this is the sort of thing she does everyday so she's confident. She takes the lead. They plan out a meal with about 50 calories to spare while the Blue Team are still fiddling. Amanda has issues making food flavorful with less calories but she admits it and Sabrina assists her. Their meal ends up totaling 694 calories.

Red app and Blue app gets the thumbs up. Point each. Red entree gets thumbs up for flavor and portion control. Blue entree is considered small and a bit bland. Red win easily. Red dessert gets the thumbs up. As the Blue dessert, Andy's idea, is displayed, Chef Ramsey laughs as if it's a joke. Commercial.

The Blue Team's dessert looks a bit like a thin wrap with some pink sauce on it. Chef declares it to be foul. The Red Team is complimented overall and win. Their dishes go on the menu for tonight.

Reward: a day at the beach with top volleyball players. Punishment: grocery shopping and prepping for both Teams for tonight.

The Red Team gets a volleyball lesson and then they get to play. JP is there as well and it's amusing to see him fall in the sand while trying to get the ball. They were driven to the beach in convertible Mini Coopers with the top down. The Blue Team gets pulled out of prep to do the shopping. They have to ride there in this goofy 7 person bike that I have never seen before. It's like seven seats in a circle and somehow the pedals all make it go forward. Scott makes them go up a steep hill too, apparently just to make them sweat.

The Red Team believes that they bonded over the day at the beach. They return to find they've gotten fancy blenders as presents. The Blue Team returns with the food but the strain of the hill has affected Robert. He barely gets inside Hell's Kitchen before he has to sit down. The Blue Team is concerned but gives him a moment cause, well, he's a big fella and they knew it was a lot of exercise for him. He staggers through the kitchen mumbling that he needs to see the medic because he's dizzy, short of breath, and feels like he's going to vomit. Upon hearing this, the medic immediately calls 911. Robert is rushed to the hospital as we go to commercial.

As the meeting before service starts, Chef Ramsey reports that Robert's still in the emergency room and will not be back for tonight's service. The Teams are even at five members apiece. All the chefs have to perform well. Both Teams have a little 'we can do this' moment amongst themselves. I like that.

After he calls out the first order, Chef Ramsey catches that Andy misheard him and gets concerned. In Interview, Andy blames this on Chef Ramsey's accent and the speed of his delivery. Not a good start for the Blue Team.

Neither side can put out a proper appetizer to start, earning Jim and Ariel a negative reaction. Tennille prepares too much spinach and gets a hollering. She starts to simmer. Ariel's second try is acceptable but Jim's isn't. Chef Ramsey's getting fired up early tonight. Jim stalls on the appetizer station as the Red Team cranks away... until Tennille doesn't make enough mashed potatoes. Chef Ramsey gets loud. First too much, then not enough. All or nothing. Tennille has enough and says that Chef Ramsey is crap. He kicks her out of the Kitchen and she leaves, shouting at him as she does. Commercial.

Chef Ramsey follows her to the back. Tennille is emotional, yelling that she's busting her butt out there and that Chef Ramsey needs to get off her back. She runs her mouth, shakes a rack or two in frustration and declares her desire to get back in the kitchen. Chef Ramsey tries to retort but she won't let him get a word in. Finally he firmly tells her to shut up until she does. If she can do it, then do it. If not, then leave. She returns to the kitchen all fired up but ready to work. She does have a passion for the situation even if her skills aren't necessarily at the best level.

About an hour into service and Jim shows no life or ability at making a risotto. Sous Chef Scott ends up doing it at Chef Ramsey's direction. “Is this what you're like when Robert's not here?” The Blue Team is behind and Sous Chef Scott is helping? Jim is doomed.

An order of chicken disappears from the Red Kitchen. Sabrina swears she put it up to the pass but no one can find it. The reorder has a problem when Sabrina can't cut it properly. Suzanne tries to help but the advice just gets Sabrina yelled at. That seems familiar.

On the Blue side, Dave has a few lapses on the garnish station which draws criticism from Sous Chef Scott. Dave and Kevin then have some communication issues. Without Robert they are falling apart. Andy mishears another count and then under cooks an order of fish. More yelling. Then he overcooks it.

The Red Kitchen is cranking out entrees. This might be because they start coming back raw. Sabrina under cooked some pork. She owns up to the failure.

Andy gets completely lost, unable to put out fish. More food returns to the Red Kitchen under cooked. Chef Ramsey has had enough and switches it off. Everyone loses. One nominee from the Red Team and one from the Blue.

Andy and Jim are discussed for elimination. Andy admits he dragged down the team. In Interview Jim says he only messed up that one order and got yelled at the least. Dude! Really? You got kicked off your station! While Andy admits that he sank the Team, he offers up Robert for elimination for missing service in an attempt to stay.

Sabrina and Tennille are discussed on the Red Side. Sabrina thinks that Tennille leaving the kitchen indicates that she is the weakest and should leave. Tennille argues that she left on Chef Ramsey's order and had the option to remain out but returned to the Team. Sabrina's poor cooking is what sank the team.

Red Team nominee: Sabrina for her serving raw pork which is dangerous. Blue Team nominee: well, we go to commercial with Van asking 'Where Robert at?' Oh, this is not going to go well. I know Kevin and Dave got hurt and returned for service but I don't think this tactic is going to go over well. It's not Van's fault necessarily that he had to deliver the message.

After commercial, Van's question is repeated as 'I'm wondering where Robert's at?' Chef Ramsey starts to explain that it wouldn't be fair to judge him on a performance that he couldn't give. Panic in the Blue Team's eyes. As expected. Chef Ramsey notes that if Robert can't return for the next service, he will be eliminated but that we'll cross that bridge when he get to it. Blue Team nominee: Andy, getting flustered under pressure.

Sabrina's defense is, essentially, to throw Tennille under the bus without actually naming her. She argues that she wouldn't leave the kitchen and is a team player. Not what she could do better, basically saying that she shouldn't be there but Tennille should without directly saying so. Andy says that the fault is his, Chef Ramsey makes him nervous and he needs to get over that.

Chef Ramsey goes over past services in his mind. He reflects on someone who lacks the passion to stay in Hell's Kitchen. Jim is eliminated. Sabrina and Andy are returned to their teams. Swerve! Jim thinks this was some 'I didn't yell back' sort of thing and is pleased that he remains true to himself. I don't think he understands what was going on. At all.

Trailer: Can Robert return? The next frame shows him in line for what appears to be the pre-service meeting so I'm going with 'yes' for the moment. For the first time, mystery guests at chef's tables in the kitchen. An underdog rises (looks like Andy) and a front runner collapses (Van?).

Looking good: Van and Ariel (if only because they didn't get yelled at much) and Robert (just for not being there).

- Looking bad: everyone else. Seriously. Everyone else looked bad.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The fantastic series Hell's Kitchen TV Show season 6 has released its Episode 6 on yesterday 18th August, 2009. Hell’s kitchen s06e06 entitled as “HK6: Day Six”. In this Episode, the two teams were said to make a three-course meals by just using 700 calories with 45 minutes. And winning team has a chance to visit beach and learn volleyball with Olympic athlete Anneth Davis where other team have to clean both kitchens.