17 June 2009

Awash in the Past

I've been watching a lot of music videos the past couple days. I go through streaks with this form of entertainment, moreso that most of the forms or styles with which I'm fascinated. Of late videos have been a 'going by Moppy' thing. If I go over by him to watch the game or somesuch, the entertainment generally starts with a few videos. Good way to set the mood.

I've got piles and piles of video tapes in general and a number of them have MTV's 120 Minutes on them. Two hours worth of 'alternative' music videos a week. Good stuff. Every few months I get the bug in my system and I convert a bunch over to DVD. Memories.

This recent explosion was due to finding a bunch of 'older' clips online and realizing I had enough located to make a few data DVDs. It's been a lot of fun. There's been a few moments of interest in particular. For instance, I was watching the video for the Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson duet 'Say, Say, Say'. At one point Macca hustles Harry Dean Stanton at pool. Was Harry a known actor by this point? I can't remember and am apparently too lazy to go check at the moment. I know Matt Dillon was a known actor by the time he appears in the 'Fairytale of New York' video for the Pogues.


Stupid addictions.

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