23 June 2009

Another Fiction Flash Forward

While Eric Danger was distracted by the melee outside the ring, El Hombre de Silla slid into the ring. I found it impressive that the crowd immediately started a loud ‘Hom-bre’ chant. I know he’s popular in this city but didn’t expect such a positive reaction when in ‘foreign’ territory.

This chant caught Eric’s attention. Energetically he searched the combatants for El Hombre but did not find him there. Slowly, he turned around to find the man himself waiting. Eric rushed him but El Hombre ducked the clumsy, panicked attempt at a clothesline. When Eric spun to face him again, El Hombre was waiting to meet him with chops to the chest. As Eric was driven back, the crowd roared their approval. Suitably staggered, El Hombre flung Eric into the ropes. When he returned, El Hombre captured his head in his arms and dropped down, dragging Eric down with him, jamming Eric’s chin against his shoulder with the rare running variant of the ‘Ace Crusher’ move. When released, Eric crashed back to the canvas, unconscious.

The crowd grew even louder, to a degree that it raised the roof of the building. Figuratively speaking of course.

El Hombre requested a microphone and received it. He still had to wait for the crowd to calm itself before he could be heard over it. “I consider myself a patient man. I can accept many offenses against myself before I allow myself to react in kind. When you start to attack my employment and my friends?” He paused to look down at Eric. “Then you end up like him! Attacked in public! My patience is gone! Long gone! If he wants a war, if he wants a war, if he wants a war, “ El Hombre stated, pointing at Eric and the other members of the MWA, “then they can have one!” Looking at the ring announcer that he’d gotten the microphone from, he gestured at Eric and concluded “When he wakes up, let him know he found the trouble he was looking for.” After politely returning the microphone, he scaled the turnbuckle nearest the continuing melee and dove into it. The crowd once more roared its approval.

I was one of them.

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