08 May 2009

Picture Time

Spent some time today reading a 'conversation' online about taking photographs at theme parks. Felt like a bit of a jag while reading it. You see, I've only been to Disney and Universal the once and I only had my camera phone to take pictures with so there was no flash. As a result, I had no temptation to take pictures in the darker areas. I had friends that did. The conversation focused on how it was bad and impolite to take pictures in those areas with flashes. Doh.

On the up side, the conversation provided some detail on how to take decent pictures in the darker areas. We can blow off the mistakes we made as being dumb tourists and try to move forward. That said, I dunno how to adjust the camera I borrowed from my folks to do this sort of thing. I bummed it from them in part for the upgrade in quality (2mp to 5mp) but also for the flash quality. It brightens the Museum pictures I've been taking.

That said, I'm not thrilled with all the 'brightened' pictures I've been taking. I was warned about that and it turned out to be true. Many of them display detail but they don't look like what I see. The same was true of many of the pictures they took at Disney. You got pictures but they didn't look like what our eyes saw.

So now I need a camera I can adjust and fiddle with to some degree. I can practice at the Museum and use that later at the parks.

I might be better picture educated that Peter Parker. That would be cool.

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