11 March 2009

If there's a Third World, where's the Second World?

I don't like to complain about the physical comforts around me as I know that, relatively speaking, I have it very nice in America. Grousing about the availability of hot water at any given moment seems petty when compared to people in countries just looking for some clean water with which to help stay alive.

That said, you get used to things being a certain way. Certain cities are a bit different from others and certain states are vastly different from others. At the same time, living in a prosperous nation like America is, even at this specific economic point, you begin to expect certain things.

Like power. Energy.

I've lived in this neighborhood on the Northwest side of Milwaukee for almost fifteen years now and it's odd how frequently the power goes out. In the past five years, this has been especially the case. I imagine some of it is due to the new construction in the area. Not long after I updated the blog last night, the power dropped for four hours. I know when it came back on because I forgot to turn off the light switches (the lights were off, my brain didn't connect that the switches were still on because I had no light) and was woken up when the power, and lights, came back on. I think the last outage was in last December. It was morning so at least there was light to read by. Luckily it wasn't too cold a day but it was chilly by the time the power kicked back in.

It just seems odd that this is becoming more frequent. It was a minor outage and could have happened at worse times and at least my computer doesn't appear to be damaged but still.

And don't get me started on the pothole riddled roads!

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