12 March 2009

A Few Thoughts on Comics from This Week

Very few thoughts this week as I got very few comics. Very light week.

Transformers - All Hail Megatron #8 (of 12) continues to keep my attention as have the earlier issues in the story. The art is clear, clean, and crisp. Characters are easy to identify by their appearance and their actions are well defined. The story progresses nicely here, apparently resolving a mystery or two and sets up more things to be concerned about. I've really been enjoying this as it's not just the standard Autobot/Decepticon battle that's been portrayed over the years. New York is in ruins and is in Decepticon control. It's a heady political thriller with action and robots. Mmm, robots.

Punisher (MAX) #68 - part three of the 'Six Hours to Kill' storyline. Frank has been poisoned and is expected to die in 6 hours. Rather than take on the mission and get the 'antidote' that he doesn't believe exists at the end, he's just decided to take out as many bad guys before he drops. The criminal element in the city, including corrupt politicians, try to stop him before he can do too much further damage. Action and gangster intrigue. So far, so good.

Invincible Iron Man #11 - part four of 'World's Most Wanted' storyline. Tony Stark (Iron Man) is on the run, a wanted criminal after failing to foresee the recent Skrull Invasion and protect his technology from this invasion. The story is making clear that Tony foresaw possible failure, perhaps not this specific failure but a failure, and took steps to prepare for what to do next. This is good business. A lot of little things happen in this issue. I'm still not sure if this is going to be a short-term storyline or if this is setting up the new setting for the book's foreseeable future. A few minus points to the artist, who's normally quite good, for making Norman Osborn look nothing like how the character is normally drawn. I didn't recognize him until the dialogue identifed him. Not good.

Besides that, I got an Index and two magazines. Very light week.

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