08 November 2008


I had something else I meant to say yesterday and I've forgotten what it was now. Yesterday I got distracted by working on my script and watching hockey so it's not like I got completely lazy or anything.

I have been feeling lazy of late, even eliminating my time of being sick from the process. The piles aren't moving, up until this past week or so my writing was in a 'recharge' state, and there's part of me that feels I should be employed in some way.

I think that's it more than anything else; I'm not doing anything at the moment that directly will earn me money. The writing might earn me money but it might not. It's a gamble and that's not reassuring as the economy burns around us.

Should win some money on a game show. These are the plans I get when I turn on the Game Show Network. It's easy to win from the couch, isn't it?


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