02 October 2008

Wrestling for Burgers

Wrestling promotions are sorta like fast food restaurants, mostly the places you'd go for a burger.

WWE is McDonalds. It's everywhere, it's convenient to the point of being annoying, and after you have some, you don't really feel good about it afterwards.

TNA is like Burger King. It's relatively easy to find, available, very similar to McDonalds in a lot of ways but different enough so that it can be considered preferable over McDonalds just for not being McDonalds. There's still a good chance you'll regret eating there.

ROH is at that Wendys/Sonic/Hardees level. If you're a fan of the place, you swear by it. If you're not, you probably don't know/don't care/don't have it near you/don't remember it exists.

Your local independant scene is your local greasy spoon hamburger joint. In the Milwaukee area I'll refer to Kopps but there are many others. It's the sort of place that puts out a really nice burger, different from the standard places but still mostly just a burger. For some reason you never go there as often as you like, despite the fact that you enjoy it. It's either not easy to get there, or is on the other side of town, or you just don't think of it until it's too late, which is a pity because you always enjoy the experience at some level different from the rest.

Don't ask me how Brian and I got on this topic last night but we did and it amused me so here it is!

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