29 September 2008

Mr. Newman

I'm keen to celebrate Paul Newman in some way but I don't think I've got any of his work on DVD. I might do and just can't think of what it would be. He wasn't an actor known for his classic horror roles or wacky comedy roles or science-fiction television roles, items that make up the bulk of my collection. This is not to say he didn't touch some of those genres; I'm just not sure where he and my collection intersect.

Thus concerns me only because I have a great deal of respect for the gentleman and it seems odd that he may not be represented in the archive. Here was a man that, by all accounts, had a positive but realistic view of himself, remained married to his wife of many decades, and did his best to give back to humanity. These are admirable qualities in anyone and are almost astounding for someone in the entertainment field.

So all respect to the gentleman that has left us. None of us is perfect and I'm sure he wasn't either but I'm of the feeling that there are lessons to be learned from his example, both on the screen and off.

Perhaps, if nothing else, I'll get some salad dressing. It's good you know.

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