27 October 2008

Grumpy part 2

Not to belabor my grumpiness, which has yet to completely fade, but there are a couple more possible reasons for it.

1) I'm tired. This sounds ridiculous to me because I've been getting more sleep now than when I was working. I do set the alarm so that I don't oversleep as I know that leads to me being groggy and grumpy. With the weather changing and the temperature often in the not really cold yet but not warm anymore range, it's possible I'm not sleeping very deeply and therefore not getting rested properly.

2) Upon seeing me yesterday, one of my young friends noted I looked tired. "Maybe you're getting sick!" she noted cheerfully. Wouldn't that be wonderful? She also playfully chastised me for not getting a flu shot but I think that stuff is no good. Just makes the flu virus mutate faster. I understand some peoples reaction to a flu shot is that they feel oogy for a couple weeks. Might as well have the flu at that point. And what's the difference between a cold and the flu now? When I was younger, a cold was something that made your nose run and your throat cough. The flu involved tummy troubles. Now they've blurred together somehow.

Mostly I don't like the idea of a flu shot because I don't deal well with needles. They've made me pass out before. Not a fan. I don't get sick every year so I figure it's worth the gamble.

Probably also means I'm due...

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