07 August 2006

I'm a lazy sod

Ended up not returning to the con Sunday. My reasons, if you are so interested, are these: (1) it was pouring yesterday morning and I didn't want to potentially drive in the pouring rain for two hours (2) I knew I'd need to fill up on gas and suddenly decided I didn't want to do that (3) I didn't get home from Saturday's wedding fun until two Sunday morning.

Ah yes, the wedding.

My buddy TJ got married on Saturday. TJ was an intern at my workplace for about a year and while I wouldn't (shouldn't?) say we are the best of friends we get along very well for work buddies and have had a fine ol' time outside the workplace on a few occasions. I was quite honoured to be invited as he didn't invite many people from his old workplace, just myself and another buddy Mike. Mike was smart enough to bring another of our mutual friends, Callie (her blog link is to your right), along. I was not and was alone, well, alone apart from hanging out with them.

The wedding itself was interesting. The actual ceremony part, the part I generally enjoy and get misty-eyed during, was relatively brief. As it was a Catholic do, the entire ceremony ran about an hour and a quarter. It was interesting to observe but, not being Catholic, was a little creepy to be a part of it. If you are used to such things I'm sure it's much less creepy.

The reception was in downtown Milwaukee, in a ballroom at the college both TJ and his new bride Kathy had attended. We three collected at Callie's downtown apartment and took a cab over to the reception. This turned out to be an excellent decision as there was an open bar for about five hours at the reception. While you may pooh-pooh this next statement, it is my contention that I was never really sauced during this time period and therefore could have driven back and forth to the event. At the same time, I'm glad I didn't have to and that we could cab back to Callie's place to watch X-Games footage with her husband Cale for awhile before driving home. 'Ah ha!' says the observer. 'Not sauced indeed! You must have been because you danced and dancing is not something you do.' I did indeed dance. I can sorta slow dance and make it look okay if I have too do so. I did not slow dance at this wedding; I went out and got all silly to some hip-hop song. While I don't dance, I am generally willing to make a fool of myself for other people's entertainment. When I turned and saw the fascinated expression of joy on Mike and Callie's faces, I was pleased. That's all it took.

So anyway, a good time was had by all. I didn't sleep well and just didn't have the energy or motivation (despite knowing there was a Godzilla panel at the con Sunday, blast!) to return to Chicago on Sunday. Instead I sat around and wanted to take a nap but couldn't fall asleep. I'm mostly better now. I should go do stuff.

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