22 July 2006

Movie Review: 'Clerks II'

'Clerks II' (2006)

The QuickStop, long-time place of employment for Dante and Randal, has burned down. Both find employment at a Mooby restuarant and, after a year, many things remain the same in their lives. However, one massive thing HAS changed; Dante is engaged and is planning to move to Florida, leaving New Jersey and Randal behind forever. As the bulk of the movie starts, it's Dante's last day at Mooby's before moving away. In many ways, it's just like every other day.

In a lot of ways, 'Clerks II' is the same movie as 'Clerks' but in just as many other ways, it isn't. The bits that 'isn't' are the important ones. The original movie takes place in the space of one 24 hour period. In the sequel, the bulk of the action takes place in one 24 hour period but there is also an intro piece set a year before the main action and a coda that takes place months after the main action. In the original, the Clerks close the store to attend a funeral. Here, it's to go ride go-karts. Both movies have scenes set on the roof of the store but only one of those is set to a Jackson 5 song. The sequel manages to follow many of the same storyline beats as the original without following it completely and becoming the exact same movie.

Underneath all the crudeness and geek language is a point. The point is: be yourself. Find out what you want to do with your life and do it. Don't strive for something that other people want you to be when you can be yourself and be happy. Oddly enough, Randal had this figured out in the original 'Clerks' and is why, despite his complaining, he is so upbeat throughout the movie. He is happy. He gets to watch movies all day and his best friend is just next door. This is all he desires from life and, for the longest time, he gets it.

As with all Kevin Smith movies, I tend not to recommend them to people who don't like Kevin Smith movies. They are crude and this one is certainly no exception to that rule. Before spending a pile of cash to see this one in the theatre, rent the original 'Clerks' or one of Kevin's other films (apart from 'Jersey Girl' which is another style altogether) and see if you like that first. If you are already a fan of Kevin's work, then you should enjoy this movie as well.

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