15 January 2011

Animal Kingdom - November 2010

Animal Kingdom

-Kilimarjaro Safaris – once. Once again watching animals 'in the wild'. Very enjoyable. I think this is one of the main reasons to attend this park.

-Kali River Rapids – once. You ride in a great tube (with seats) down a river with rapids and drops. It's a ride where you WILL get wet. You might get soaked. I got soaked. Cold water. I enjoyed the ride but don't look forward to riding it again.

-Everest – three times. Nothing new to report. Love it. Can't deal with the strobe effect near the end.

-Finding Nemo the Musical – once. Delightful. Had an angle on the stage that let me see backstage a bit. Loved that.

-Primeval Whirl – once. You ride through 'time' to the extinction of the dinosaurs. It's a 'kid ride' but it knocks you around rather roughly. Enjoyable but a bit mean.

-Dinosaur – twice. Mind the Carnotaurus!

-It's Tough to be a Bug – once. Fun show that I still feel I should catch more. Lots going on. Recommended.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does the fact you got soaked play into your disinterest in returing to the safari? haha