04 October 2010

Music Monday - Screamin' Jay Hawkins

I gravitate to what is called 'novelty' records: parodies of songs, stuff not meant to be taken seriously, or stuff that's just weird. I collected tv show theme songs as a kid. Probably still would except there aren't any anymore. I also like monsters: Frankensteins (I know the name belongs to the Doctor, bear with me here), vampires, kaiju, and such. The good naturedly creepy.

When they combine, oh boy!

I've got an Elvira's Monster Hits tape somewhere I've had for years but I'm sure I heard 'I Put a Spell On You' on the radio as a kid. It's the sort of song that all sorts of people have covered over the years. For my money, nobody puts the creepy in it better than Screamin' Jay Hawkins!

Seriously, what is going on there? I don't know but I love it and it sounds like he's in tune. Classic.

Also on that tape was his 'Little Demon'. I think Mojo Nixon took Jay's 'gotta have at least one freak out in every song' theme but who cares? This dude is nuts!

Love. It.

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