02 October 2010

It'll Be November Soon

At lunch the other day, I leaned back from my exciting peanut butter sandwich and closed my eyes. It's nice to be working but it does wear me out some days. I sighed and tried to get comfortable in my car.

I tasted barbeque sauce.

Why would I taste barbeque sauce? Peanut butter tastes nothing like barbeque sauce. Why would I even be thinking about it?

Suddenly, it wasn't even the taste of barbeque sauce, it was barbeque sauce on a hamburger with bacon. It was a happy taste. Suddenly, I was elsewhere.

What was the name of that restaurant? It's in Frontierland, near Splash Mountain. Casey Jones maybe. It's getting later in the day. I'm hungry. The burger is good. I'm surrounded by items made of wood. The table, the chairs, the walls are all made of wood. I'm very comfortable. I lean over the table as we chat and eat.

When we walk outside, it's grown dark. The Magic Kingdom lights up, glowing in the dusk. Things are good.

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