11 October 2010

Music Monday - Minnesota Music is Not Just Prince and Bob Dylan

Timing is everything. The 1980s and early 1990s were a hotbed of music around the nation. Grunge would become the dominate musical style and the Seattle 'scene' became the in thing.

It wasn't the only scene. What might have happened if the next big thing was... Minneapolis?

Information Society's brand of techno pop was both of the time and of the future. Change the colors in the video, heavy up them beats a bit and you might still have a hit today, even if the lead singer looks like a young Vince McMahon with a weird haircut.

I remember watching Trip Shakespeare videos quite often on 120 Minutes, you know, back when the M in MTV stood for 'Music'. I remember liking them but not enough to grab an album. A different formation of this band would later hit the big time under the name SemiSonic.

Powermad brings the metal! Long hair, squealing vocals, powerful guitars. Where's Strong Bad to love this?

The Replacements were one of those bands that I thought everyone knew about. Maybe they did then but they don't now. I should know them better. Paul Westerberg is full of awesome.

Aw what the heck, I covered Husker Du already so I shouldn't again. Ah! After Husker Du, Bob Mould formed Sugar and cranked out an excellent album in Copper Blue. 'How can I explain away/something that I've never done?' Love that lyric!

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