26 May 2010

A Few Thoughts on Comics from Last Week

I'm catching up! Sorta...

Avengers #1. The book gets relaunched yet again. Bendis and JR JR. Bendis has been criticized over the years for being whatever with the Avengers but this issue just FEELS big time. The building of the teams. The joy the characters feel for being in their 'proper' place again. Thor not hesitating to smack Kang around. Great art, good subplots, it feels like an old school Avengers comic and updated at the same time. I hope this is how it stays for awhile. Loved this.

Invincible Iron Man #26 continues the 'reboot' of Tony's life. 'Captain America doesn't do razzle-dazzle on my schedule.' Honestly, I can't beat that line.

Transformers - Last Stand of the Wreckers #5 is the end of the series. I can't say much without giving away the story but will point out that 'last stand' is in the title for a reason. Lots of things go boom.

Simpsons Comics #166 in which the Simpson men decide to join forces and cheat to win a local bike race. It's a reasonably well done plot, more character based than gag based. It actually could have used a few more gags. It was good but not as funny as I felt it should have been somehow. There should be a couple of really good lines in the story and there's maybe one. Homer breaks a bike during training and notes he needs a beer. Bart states 'I think what you need is a tetanus shot.' Combined with the visual it's amusing but it lacks a certain 'I ate all my caps.' repeatability.

Muppet Snow White #1 just wasn't coming together for me. Art that was a little too wacky, a story that was too close to the style of King Arthur rather than Peter Pan, I just wasn't feeling it... until we meet the Dwarves. It's the Electric Mayhem and they sing their song in the mine over a two page spread. I read it, got near the end of the pages, it clicked, I got shivers and reread it. The song is apparently titled 'Seven Dwarf Hop' and it's clearly meant to be to the beat of the Ramones' 'Blitzkreig Bop'. Animal yelling 'Heigh! Ho! Go! Go!' You have my attention again. Please continue. Oh yes and I need this song as a single. Now.

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