04 May 2010

Doctor Who - 'Flesh and Stone' review


The Angels are coming. Amy Pond has something in her eye. There is a crack in the wall and it's getting wider...


The story keeps motoring along, moving forward not only in location, but also in explanations. We get to find out more about River Song. We get to find out more about the cracks in reality. The Doctor thinks aloud through most of the episode, feeding us information as he goes along.

The fate of Octavian and his men is quite sad indeed. There are a couple of great sequences surrounding Amy's affliction. The ending comes to us logically with the pieces fitting together nicely as you suddenly realize that you'd forgotten all about one of those pieces for the bulk of the episode despite it being right there. At least I forgot.

The post story wrap-up or coda or whatever you want to call it gets very interesting indeed. It was one of those things I should have suspected but had seen reason to not think that way but yes. If that helps because it won't. The Doctor gets to be very Doctorly and lies about his age yet again. Unless something's happened there, which it might have done.

This was an exciting episode and the feeling that we're building to something big is strong. I rather like that.

A spoiler-less review is difficult but there you go. Good stuff.

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