09 March 2010

It's Not All Fun Today

I had something much more fun to talk about today but something else has come up, something pressing. I'm in mourning.

They're closing my Best Buy.

I walked in today to pick up a thing or two and was confused at the crowd in the parking lot. Everything left in the store, well almost, is on clearance. Stuff was flying out of that store. No new stuff unfortunately and the cuts weren't deep enough for me to take advantage of at the moment. Wish I had the $300 to drop on an LCD TV though.

This is the store that many of my friends worked at, that my brother worked at. This is the store that I bought so many CDs and DVDs at, the store where I got to be smarter than the average bear, the store I would wander around, haunt even.

Soon it will be gone. I miss it already.

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