15 February 2010

Music Monday - Seether

Sometimes I have a lot to say about the bands or songs I post on a Monday. Sometimes I don't. I suspect this will be more of the latter.

You see, Seether is one of those bands I'm familiar with due to a friend so I don't have a long history to fall back on and go 'oh I remember when', even though I've seen them play live in concert. Sort of anyway. I couldn't actually see them much through the crowd.

This first song wins for the video if nothing else.

The video does connect with some of how I react to the band though. It's filled with pop culture references from the 1980s, even down to the animation style being similar to the video game graphics of the day. The band makes me feel old and yet young. Old because the band is referencing music from the early 1990s, the era when I was first really getting into music, and that just feels weird in a way. This song feels much more like Nirvana, not so much in the sound, but in the themes.

And yet it makes me feel young because, for whatever it is or isn't, it is fresh enough to feel new, to sound enjoyable. It may not be the most experimental thing in the world, it may not be steering music into fantastic new directions, but it's catchy and it sticks with you. There's some depth to be found.

Like this. Peppermint Schnapps my friend.


Jason Manger said...

That last song plays on our Muzak system at the store :-) I like Seether, especially Broken from the Punisher movie with Amy Lee of Evanesence. Then again, I like anything with Amy Lee.....she's real purty and has a purty voice.

Anonymous said...

Raises a glass, ::cheers:: my friend

Unknown said...

@Jason - Broken was next on the list but I don't like posting more than three videos. Three already feels like I'm giving people homework. Also very agreed on the subject of Amy Lee. Verra nice.

@Moppy - Nosferatu m'man.