16 February 2010

A Few Thoughts on the Movies I Saw This Weekend

The Wolfman - Loved it! The movie felt like an update of the Lon Chaney Jr original because that's what it was. Many updates or remakes drift from the original out of some interest in not repeating the entire original film or because aspects of the original no longer work (aka they are considered cheesy now). The Wolfman isn't a note for note remake like that Psycho they did about a decade ago. Lawrence Talbot is a Brit that moves to America as a young man and becomes an actor. It's 1891 in England. The movie starts with the 'even a man pure of heart' speech from the original. The makeup and effects are great, creating a creature that is part Wolf and part Man. One thing that people seem to miss is that the creature from these Universal films is not a werewolf as such, he's a Wolfman. He doesn't turn into a Wolf, he turns into a creature that's structurally human but with strong animalistic features.

There are some scenes where the accents aren't the same as they are for the rest of the film. The big 'twist' isn't really a twist as it's obvious for most of the movie. I'm sure that once I watch the movie a couple more times I'll find other flaws.

But nothing big stood out to me as annoying. It's a classic tale updated with some violence. Some muted but obvious violence. I liked it.

Die Hard - Bruce Willis! Alan Rickman! No shoes! Man that's fun.

Die Hard 2 - Bruce Willis! ... A plane! It's fun but not as much fun. Oh wait, Dennis Franz! Well, sort of.

The Hangover - I keep hearing that this movie is the best thing in ages and hilarious and ridiculous and whatever. After watching it I feel I must say that some of my friends do not get out much. It's not that the movie is not funny but it's not even close to being as funny as the hype presented. It's not that the movie is poorly cast or structured or anything like that. It's not bad. It is funny. I just didn't find it THAT funny. Comedy's like that though, and everyone's funny bone is different. I'm just glad I didn't buy it.

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