13 April 2009

Ads still don't stick

I spent most of today playing catch-up from being ill. I did some cleaning, mostly the putting away of Things that had been staged rather than put away straight away. The advantage to doing this time of chore is that it allowed me to look for the camcorder battery for which I'm looking. No, I've not yet found it and that is still driving me up the wall.

I also worked on cleaning up one of my primary email inboxes. I took a number of surveys today. It makes me feel useful and that's sometimes handy during this period of time. What I learned from today's surveys is something I've longer suspected: most current advertising doesn't stick in my head. Plenty of older jingles are still in my head, popping out when I least suspect it. Today, under 'pressure', I could recognize commercials, even ones I found stupid and unentertaining, but had no memory of the brand that the ad was representing. That's a waste of ad dollars.

Maybe it's age. I probably see more commercials than most of my friends as I tend to watch more live tv than the rest, even now that I have DVR access, and these jingles don't linger. Maybe my brain is full of jingles and doesn't have room for any others. Maybe.

I'm still inclined to think that the commercial is dead.

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