27 May 2008

Getting close now

I very definitely feel that I'm in the home stretch of one of my writing projects. I hate this part of the process.

Don't get me wrong, the feeling that I'm close to completion is a sweet one. The home stretch is more work than the rest of the creative process, to me anyway. I've already edited and hacked at this story more than I normally would. I'm reading through the edit, digging for all the awkward phrases and mistyped words and gaps in the story and it's work. Thinking up scenes is fun, the mind is free to imagine what it may and once a few scenes are in place, the rest can come like a waterfall, rushing into place. This part is less free, more crack filling.

It's also the part of the process where I turn on my work. It's all horrible and I can't see why I'm bothering to finish this fool thing when it's so horrible. No one's paying attention anyway.

In the end, all will be well. For the moment, it's all a pain in the kester.

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