10 September 2006

It Must Be Fall

It's a rather blustery day in Wisconsin. I am fond of the word 'blustery', in part because I learned it while still in the single digits of age. I learnt it from a Winnie the Pooh record. It's a lovely word and doesn't get used nearly enough as far as I'm concerned. Blustery. I wonder if I've misspelt it?

At any rate, the temperature is not what leads me to my conclusion in regards to the season. No, the amount of Packers shirt and jackets and jerseys I saw in a brief trip to the grocery store did that for me. The NFL regular season starts today. I know, I know, the first game of the season was Thursday but that didn't really count. Sunday is professional football 'day' despite all attempts to spread games out during the week. Therefore, the season starts today.

All over the nation fans are hoping that this season will be a little better to their team than the last one was to them. Personally I hold no great expectations for this year's Packers team. I'll be happy if Brett Favre manages to survive the season with the ability to still function normally. The offensive line has much to prove and, to put it bluntly, I'll be happy if Brett doesn't die, literally or figuratively.

Go Pack!

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