23 August 2006

If I can't educate, I'm willing to entertain

So I'm at work today. Work Eric and I are having a bit of a chit-chat while we let the video conference we just got working sit for a minute. It had shown itself to be a little unstable and Work Eric's logic was that, if we went off and did other things, it would fail again and cause us trouble. However, if we stuck around for a while, it would be fine. His logic worked.

I was finishing up my lukewarm coffee when the urge to cough became sudden and strong. This wasn't a slight tickle at the back of my throat that I could resist until I swallowed, this was a sudden, urgent, unexpected need to cough. My attempt to reach my wastebasket failed. I coughed coffee all over my cubicle.

Work Eric did the most reasonable thing he could under the circumstances: he broke up laughing.

Once he wiped the tears from his eyes and I'd mocked myself a bit, he found me a bunch of napkins and helped me clean up. It must have been hilarious to see. I wish I'd have seen it.

I still smell like coffee.

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