10 October 2009

Hell's Kitchen Episode 13

Hell's Kitchen Episode 13 aka 4 Chefs Compete

Recap: First Individual Challenge is won by Ariel and Kevin, Dinner service is rocky but gets completed, no winner tonight, Ariel and Suzanne nominated for elimination, Suzanne goes home.

The four surviving chefs return to the dorms. They enjoy the fact that they are the Final Four but its a subdued, tired sort of joy. Ariel knows she hasn't done well of late and needs to pick up the pace. Kevin thinks he has this in the bag because he knows everyone else's weakness.

The next morning, the chefs see a shadow walking about in Chef Ramsey's office as well as his voice. When the door opens, it's not Chef Ramsey but a kid that looks like Chef Ramsey. The kid lights into them like Chef Ramsey, apart from the swearing, but they can't help but snicker. After a minute or two, the proper Chef Ramsey appears and send the kid away. Ha! Tension broken.

Individual Challenge: everyone has to make a vegetarian dish to serve in an hour to 80 vegetarians.

The chefs agreed that this one is tricky. Kevin prepares a Asian style crepe with a beet carpaccio. Tennille works on a vegetable stuffed eggplant with brown rice. Ariel makes a grilled eggplant lasagna with tofu. Dave gets together a polenta tower with roasted peppers.

Dave is still fighting through pain. In Interview, Ariel gives him points for being hardcore. As time elapses, none of the chefs have their 80 portions all ready to go but that doesn't stop the customers from entering. With a grin, Chef Ramsey welcomes in the children...who hate vegetables! The chefs react in shock as we go to commercial. Ha!

The kids are led in by the kid that was the Little Gordon Ramsey earlier in the episode. Each chef has a different color plate for their dish. The kids will get one of each and vote on which dish they liked the best. Since the chefs weren't done plating everything, the 'we want food!' chant starts quickly. The chefs have to run back and forth to get more portions. They also do whatever they can to sell the food to the kids, not focusing on the fact that it's a vegetarian dish but on the things they might be familiar with like using 'sandwich' and 'lasagna' to describe the meals.

We get to watch kids spit out food. The shocked expressions are hilarious as is one kid's 'what was that?!?' comment. They vote on their favorite and least favorite. The ballot focuses on the color of the plate, evidentially trying to remove the kids from the people they saw giving them the food. As a thank you, Chef Ramsey gives the kids a gift bag with candy and silly toys and poppers that shoot string and such. I sense a punishment here: having to clean up after the kids.

Results: 40% voted Kevin as their least favorite. He takes it in stride noting in Interview that he hated beets as a kid as well. The top two dishes belong to Dave and Tennille. 55% voted Tennille as the favorite. Dave takes it in stride as well, noting that he has a history of finishing second.

Reward: makeover and a fancy sushi lunch. She also gets a set of Japanese sushi knives. Punishment: cleaning up after the kids. Called it!

Dave asks what Tennille made. The description explains things to him as he notes it was 'elementary' food. The losers commiserate by guessing Tennille will be uncomfortable in Beverly Hills and not enjoy herself. The first thing we hear from Tennille upon cutting to her is 'I'm ecstatic right now.' They shine her up, dress her up all nice, and make her feel good. Back in the restaurant, they are using a rake on the carpet. A Rake. Dave collects candy that's still wrapped.

Tennille returns and gets back to the Kitchen ready to go with only a half-hour left before service. She's not refocused on work yet. As the pre-service meeting begins, we go to commercial.

They are running ads for people to try out for Hell's Kitchen. I guess there will be another series.

Chef Ramsey notes their general inconsistencies and asks them to show the passion for cooking that he knows they all have within them.

Kevin's running appetizers. As a result he's 'leading the charge'. He calls out times and gets complimented on his work. He's clicking. The Kitchen is clicking until Tennille messes up an order of scallops. Her second try is 'perfect'. A half-hour into service and all the appetizers have been served. Wow, finally a good start!

Entrees are next. Dave is working the Meat station. He goes to take an order of lamb to the pass and his arm gives out. Grunting in pain, he dashes to the back, clutching his arm. Commercial.

Chef Ramsey follows him back. Dave is all sweaty and pale. He notes that he almost passed out. He's taken to the medic. He insists he's fine and the medic lets him return. Despite his injury, he delivers two orders of lamb to the pass at once and they go through. He grunts in pain the either time. He's either dedicated or crazy or both.

Tennille brings up burnt sea bass. Chef Ramsey returns to the fish station with her and finds poorly cooked fish and burnt pans all about her. He grows disappointed and brings the other three over so he can moan at them all. She's brought the Kitchen to a halt. The next order of fish she takes up is all messed up as well. The group gets chewed out again. Everyone has to start over because of Tennille. They ask for times and she doesn't answer. When she finally gives them a time and they act on it, she changes it when Chef Ramsey asks. Frustrated, he takes her to the back for a conversation. Commercial.

It's a desperate plead for her to not give up. It's a pep talk of sorts, not the screaming I expected. She goes out to try again. After this conversation, she finally generates a properly cooked fish and food once again begins streaming from the Kitchen. They crank through the rest of the service successfully. Tennille knows she did poorly. Dave knows his injury could get him eliminated although he feels he can continue.

In the post-service meeting, Chef Ramsey is pleased with the teamwork he saw tonight. He expresses concern over Dave and his wrist. Dave begs to remain, saying that he feels fine now, that he wants to continue and can continue. If Chef Ramsey doesn't think he's good enough as a chef, that's one thing, but not to take him out due to the injury. After a moment, Chef Ramsey agrees but promises to continue keeping an eye on him. He also speaks to Tennille about her problems tonight. There will be no nominations tonight so as not to prolong the agony. He eliminates Tennille and then compliments her for her ability to bounce back. She thanks him and cries. The other three competitors walk to her and meet in this group hug. Wow. That is different and very nice. She waves, throws a few high-fives and seems to get some extra respect from Chef Ramsey and the other three chefs as she leaves. Despite losing, she appreciates the compliment Chef Ramsey gave her as she left.

The three return to the dorms. Dave knows he dodged a bullet. Ariel decides they all need to have a beer together. They celebrate being the final three. And then the phone rings. It's Chef Ramsey. They need to come back downstairs as he has some unfinished business to tend to. Freak out!

They hustle back. Chef Ramsey isn't sure that he did the right thing by letting Dave stay. He's been considering it and his decision is... commercial.

All three chefs look confused and shocked as Chef Ramsey starts saying this. Dave looks like he might pass out. Chef Ramsey's decision is that it was the right decision to let Dave stay. He congratulates them all. This is the moment when the friends and family enter to congratulate the chefs. Tension is broken again. The chefs cry. After some time recharging with them, Chef Ramsey calls it time. Dave and Ariel both have fiancees. Kevin is married with a kid. They are dismissed again back to the dorms all amped up.

Trailer: The three take turns running the pass. 'Who rises to the occasion, who falls apart, and who ignores the rules of the kitchen?' Dave kicks the trash can a lot. The chefs get to yell at each other.

- Ariel and Kevin made it through tonight pretty clean working appetizers and garnish. Both looked good. Dave's only hindrance remains the health of his wrist. It could be anybody's game at this point. I'd like Dave to win at this point if just for his hardcore spirit.

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