10 August 2009

Me and Piper : Additional

This morning another thought triggered a memory from the Piper experience that had disappeared while writing yesterday's entry.

As I walked up and he was cheerfully greeting me, Piper started talking about how we should go out on the town. He promised that it would be a night to remember but would probably end with us walking up in jail tomorrow so maybe we had better not. It was funny and no doubt one of those things he was saying to a lot of people. It reminded me of being twenty and meeting the band Therapy? at the Rave. The lead singer, Andy, said he would have invited us on their tour bus but they were low on beer. Had I been 21, I would have offered to go get him more. They were really nice guys as well.

The overall Piper experience may have triggered a story idea as well. This would be a good thing.


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