31 August 2009

Hell's Kitchen Episode 7

Hell's Kitchen Episode 7 - 10 Chefs remaining.

Seems like forever since I watched the episode before this one.

Recap: We review the challenge with the men's effort referred to as a 'joke', Robert became ill again, Tennille snaps back at Chef Ramsey, Sabrina fails on the meat station, Andy fails on meat, Jim is accused of 'sleeping' on the job, Jim gets eliminated despite not being a nominee.

The Teams return to the dorm. Sabrina apologizes to the Team for her poor performance. Andy continues his campaign against Robert, saying that he would lose to anyone but him. By morning, Robert has not returned.

Challenge: Chef Ramsey has a craps table with two 12 sided dice, each side with a different letter on. The chefs will roll one die, one is red and the other blue, and will select an ingredient starting with the letter they rolled. The Teams must then assemble a dish using the selected ingredients. Wow. This one is different.

It's not like they get all five rolls and then figure something out. They roll the letter and call it out immediately afterwards. Red Team goes first. In Interview, Dave notes that the Red Team put together a 'classic dish'. The Blue Team does not answer so snappily. They hesitate, their minds go blank, it gets awkward. Dave rolls a 'F' and calls out 'figs' to the dismay of his team. The guys are not thrilled with themselves in general. They have 30 minutes to create their dishes.

The Red Team has an easier job from the selections they made and get right down to it. Suzanne quickly gets on everyone's nerves by micro-managing the process but she doesn't care what they think. Tennille thinks their garlic puree is too strong and suggests softening it with sugar but her suggestion is rebuffed. The Blue Team struggles to generate a solid dish. Dave feels bad about his selection and desperately tries every way he can think of to include figs. Kevin adds some to his sauce on a whim and it works! The guys are fascinated. They come up with this late in the process and struggle to be done in time. Commercial.

The Red Team's dish looks perfect. Chef Ramsey compliments it but does note that the garlic puree is a bit strong. The Blue Team's dish isn't as grand looking but Chef Ramsey compliments it, seeming impressed by their use of the figs to cut the acidity of the tomatoes in their sauce. The Blue Team wins. Chef Ramsey points to the strength of the garlic as the key to his decision.

Reward: trip to Las Vegas and a luxury suite. Punishment: bringing in the day's delivery, unboxing it, putting it away, and cleaning and prepping both kitchens for the next service.

The Blue Team parties in Vegas. They have a basketball half court in their suite! The Red Team gets beat up by the toting and lifting. A delivery arrives at 1 AM when they are all asleep. By the time the gentlemen return the next day, the ladies are sore, cranky and tired. Robert is still not back. The Blue Team has bonded while in Vegas. They feel confident and don't miss Robert. Of course, this is when he walks back in to Hell's Kitchen, an hour before service starts. Commercial.

Robert explains his medical condition as having 'a small heart for his body'. Ha! Robert is a BIG fella so any normal sized heart would be undersized for him. The Team gives him the cold shoulder. In Interview, Robert notes that he doesn't care, it acts as incentive.

At the pre-service meeting, Chef Ramsey informs the Teams that, for the first time, there will be chef's tables in the kitchens. Executive Chefs from some of Chef Ramsey's restaurants will be dining at them tonight. Interesting wrinkle as not only will it put pressure on the chefs but allow the Executive Chefs a chance to observe the contestant chefs and report in.

The Chefs arrive quickly for both tables. Dave is the apps man for the Blue Team and goes to say hi. He makes them risotto without asking what they'd like to eat. Once they receive it, they do compliment it as does Chef Ramsey. Ariel is running apps on the Red Team and has to be prompted to visit them. She does, at least, take their order. The scallops are a bit overdone, not bad, and need more salt.

Apps fly out today. 25 minutes in and the Blue Team is ready to start on their entrees. Van messes up his first order of fish by forgetting to remove the wax paper wrapping that appears to be holding in some spices before sending it out. Unfortunately, this happens a second time and Chef Ramsey explodes, calling Van out in front of everyone and telling him to [flip] off. Commercial.

Back from break and focus is demanded from Van. He starts over. The Blue Team gets so focused that they forget about their chef's table. Chef Ramsey has to yell at the Team to get things moving. Van doesn't do a very good job explaining the available dishes to them. Robert has issues with cutting the lamb and gets yelled at for it. He's struggling as he still doesn't feel well but considers his '75%' to be better than most of the other chefs.

Sabrina has issues with a dirty pan while working on garnish. The Red Team does remember about their chef's table and get complimented on the fish and meat orders. Amanda and Tennille are doing well with the entrees. Suzanne continues to 'manage' everyone. In Interview, Sabrina refers to this as looking busy. Chef Ramsey comments that the Red Team's speed seems to drag if they are not being watched.

With the Red Team almost done, Chef Ramsey visits the Blue Team. After the problem lamb, Robert brings a raw order of rabbit to the pass. Chef yells again and orders them to switch it off as we go to commercial.

The men are kicked out. The ladies are allowed to finish. The chefs eating in the Red Kitchen compliment the Red Team. The Blue Team get no such compliment. Red Team wins. Van and Robert are pointed out and Dave is announced as Best of the Worst.

Robert admits that he and Van had a bad night. Based on this night's performance, they deserve to be nominated. Overall, he points to Andy. Andy's not there when he first says it. Andy didn't get picked on tonight, but was also on the dessert station and didn't get a chance to work. In Interview, Dave agrees with this assessment, on both points, but seems less impressed with the little verbal argument that Robert starts with Andy. Dave is not sure what to do next for the betterment of the Team as well as his own betterment.

First nominee: Robert, for tonight's weak performance as well as his health issues. Second nominee: Van, based on tonight's performance. Chef Ramsey has them step forward and then calls out Andy's name. Commercial.

Andy is also called forward. Robert, while there in line, expresses his pleasure with this situation. Van offers no excuses for his failure with the wrapping tonight and declares Chef Ramsey to have an eye for talent. Van is sent back to the team. Robert's defense is his overall performance. This is his first time on the block and he's 'disgusted' to share it with Andy, whom he then criticizes. Andy addresses this and their argument from upstairs restarts. Chef Ramsey looks bemused by the whole thing. He rubs his head until they finally settle down.

Robert is eliminated. He's had more services in Hell's Kitchen than anyone and brought something raw to the pass. Robert gets a longer 'look back as he leaves' moment than most, much like the ones they do late in the season. It was the right thing to do but I'm still sad to see him go. I like Robert. He comments on how the experience has been good for him in general, how he was honored to be able to return, and how he'll bounce back from this. Despite the argument, he does leave like a gentleman, apart from one last jab at Andy.

Trailer: Blue Team hates Andy. Red Team hates Suzanne. Both Teams plot to eliminate those members but the plans backfire. It looks like both services go poorly. There's footage of Sabrina walking through the dining room towards the door with the implication she's been kicked out mid-service.

Looked good: Dave, Ariel.
Looked bad: no one looked horrible this week, just not as good as they should have done.

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