07 August 2009

A Few Thoughts on Comics from this week

Quantity does not mean quality this week. There were a few books that I had on the bubble of not continuing with and this week they popped. None of them are actively bad but more just not good enough to continue getting on a monthly basis. So bye to Black Panther and Hulk at the very least. There was stuff I enjoyed so let's focus on that.

I don't talk about Hack/Slash much and I really enjoyed issue #24. I've often described another book, 'The Walking Dead', as a zombie book that never ends. 'Hack/Slash' is a slasher film that never ends. Two individuals hunt down slashers, serial killers with weird style that tend to come back from the dead to kill again. It's more complicated than that when you get into it, but that's the core. The artist for this issue has a more cartoony style than normal for the book but it grew on me as the book went on. This issue starts to explain some side characters and builds the background for how the slashers are able to do what they do. Very cool!

Muppet Robin Hood continues to exceed my expectations. All sorts of Muppet guest appearances (Mahna Mahna!) as well as a great twist (King Richard is off on tour, he's in a band with the Mayhem!) keep this very entertaining. Movies like this would be great fun but, until then, I'll take the comics.

Must dash.

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