12 January 2009

Florida Trip - 1

My feet hurt. My legs are sore. I'm tired.

This is great.

Our group is the Gentekis family (George, Amy, and their three children - Niko, Jason, and Kara) as well as our pal Moppy (Matt). The kids are all in the ten or under range so they're not great at stuff we consider important like staying together as a group and not wandering off. They're generally good kids but they get excited and tired and occasionally difficult.

When we first arrived at the Magic Kingdom, I grew a little frustrated with the children. I'm the only person in our group that's never, ever made this trip before and the children's excitement was getting irritating. I began to wish we had left them behind.

We went on the Pirates of the Carribean and then headed to Big Thunder, riding that twice. The second time I rode with Kara who's about four. She giggled and squealed and tried to push herself into me to be safe. It was awesome. At that point I no longer was concerned about having the kids along. It was officially nice.

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