06 September 2008

Odd night at the ol' ball game

While we tailgated, Moppy was also working on Sunday's game. He'd purchased a number of tickets some time ago for the group and had a number of people bail on him this week. His phone kept buzzing as he tried to line up people to fill the gaps on Sunday as he didn't want to waste the tickets or go through the hassle of trying to deal with them in other ways. As Friday night games tend to be just him and me, I spent a good deal of time not doing much.

The vehicle next to us had four young ladies in it and, after Moppy's third phone call, I was beckoned to join them as they took pity on me for being 'abandoned' by my buddy. I did hang out with them for a few minutes until Moppy 'saved' me from them and we ended up going inside not long after that. I was pleased that the most attractive one of the group (in my opinion anyway) was the one that called to me. I chit-chatted to the group rather politely. I still have the feeling that I was supposed to do something there, something much more whatever, but I didn't. I really have no 'game' in those circumstances and we didn't speak long enough for me to relax with their group so I probably looked like an idiot, which would be nothing new.

Once inside and comfortable, it doesn't take long for all that beer to seek escape. As I exited the little geek's room, I heard my name called rather enthusiastically. It was my former boss' boss' boss, the gentleman who had the unpleasant task of informing me that my position had been eliminated. As I'm not good remembering names and I was unaware that he had any long-term memories of me, I was impressed he recognized me. We chit-chatted for a moment, he wished me luck again, and we both were smiling when we departed. I just thought it odd that he was up in the cheap seats. I would have thought he could afford better. Maybe he got the tickets as a last second thing. It's really not important as what was important is that it was nice to see him.

The game went into extra innings. Three of the last four games I've been to have gone to extra innings. The important thing here is that the Brewers won, finally broke their losing streak, and made up a game in the standings.

If it was an odd night at the ol' ball game, at least it ended well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gasp! You forgot aboot my toe, lol