13 August 2008

Going for a Walk

I'm not fond of exercise for the sake of exercise. Keeping fit solely for the sake of it, in some twisted belief that this will forestall death is foolishness to me. There's also the individuals that become as addicted to exercise as some do chocolates, beer or cigarettes. It's still an addiction.

Exercise for a goal I have no problem with encouraging. Trying out for a team, rehabbing after an injury, too fat are all good goals, all good reasons to exercise.

I am a bit too fat. While I believe the averages medical personnel have determined to be a bit on the thin side, I know I'm over by a good twenty pounds or so. I've been walking. With the extra time I currently have on my hands, it's been easier to be regular at this and I take a half-hour to an hour walk most every day. I vary the path a bit to keep things interesting. I plug myself into my iPod and off I go.

And I think. Playing with my 'toys' I work on the items I'm writing, trying to work out how the next bit should go. Some days the characters give me something, some days they don't. Some days my mind wanders a bit, despite my efforts to work while I walk. Some days I come up with a totally different idea and, try as I might to not get distracted by the new idea, I do.

Yesterday was a new idea day. Figuring out what to do with it while not slowing down work on the things that are almost done is the next trick. Maybe on today's walk I can figure that out.

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