01 April 2008

Kept alive on sugary sweets

I'm in class this week instead of work, getting educated towards a certification to prove that I have a clue about what I do at work. While there have been a number of interesting points and I've been learning (or re-learning in a lot of cases) things, there's been a lot to cover and a lot of review. I left yesterday with my head feeling stuffed.

Luckily the place I'm at for class believes in feeding us (apart from lunch) so there's been free coffee, Rice Krispes treats, donuts, etc. It's hard to behave when I've got a basket of candy within arms reach. I know I probably should since I've been sitting all day for this class and I want to get closer to my 'fighting' weight again, especially if George gets that 'bouncy house' for Amy's graduation party and we wrestle one more time.

One more piece should be okay. Right?

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