09 August 2007

Flashback to '02 Review of a Movie no one else will watch

'Guru The Mad Monk' - 19??
Story in Brief: Guru is in charge of the spiritual health of his island community. He is also a judge and warden of a prison. He has the power to give last rites and execute the punishment. Unfortunately for those who look to Guru for help, Guru is mad and out for himself. When it's time for Guru to be replaced, well, he doesn't take to the thought well...

This is the first film by Andy Milligan I've ever seen. I've read about him for years, how his productions were cheap, movies strange. None of this seemed like a bad thing as many of the films I enjoy are described as such. So what did I think?

This film is a nightmare. I mean that in good and bad ways. It's bad because the movie is cheap and awkwardly acted by many of the participants. The effects are cheap, the film used was probably cheap, the actors were likely cheap, the script was probably cheap as well. It is a cheap movie. It is so cheap that it does start to take on the feel of a dream, a nightmare, a strange world were things don't play out correctly, but you know you'll be safe at the end.

There's a trailer for this movie and an interview with a gentleman that worked on some of Andy's last films. He's politely disposed towards the Andy he knew, an Andy near the end of his career and life, but admits those films were garbage. He also notes he hasn't seen most (any?) of Andy's earlier work, including the movie on the disk. Strange.

Video: The video is full frame and heavily damaged. The colour is faded. Considering the cheap nature of the film it's unlikely it's managed to survive this long anywhere else in a better copy. On the positive side, I didn't notice any digital problems, so it was mastered well.

Sound: Again, this is probably as good as it gets. It's not good and it's often tinny, but that's likely more a problem with the recording of the film when it was made as opposed to a problem with the print used.

Not recommended. It's only $10 but if you're curious, try renting it first. If you are a fan of Andy Milligan films, you probably already own this, so never mind my opinion. This is not the sort of movie the average person would be able to watch, let alone finish.

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