11 July 2007

What are you?

As humans I think we always work to define the world we see around us. Each of us defines it a little differently due to our unique experience on the planet. Sometimes we accept the definitions of others in our perception of the world. Take this definition if you like.

Are you an enthusiastic or a snob?

As I believe I’ve mentioned before, everyone has an interest, a something that fascinates them to a degree that they are eager to devote time to it, whether it’s flowers or cars or baseball or comic books or whatever. In every hobby group I’ve seen, been near or been part of, I’ve seen enthusiasts and snobs.

The enthusiasts are generally fun people. They enjoy their hobby and can talk about it at some length given the chance. Often they can be so enthusiastic that they can talk you into investigating their hobby at length, even if you previously had no interest in it. They may not make you one of them, but you can respect their energy for their hobby, seeing how it matches your energy for your hobby. Sometimes they can be a bit boring because they won’t notice their energy for their hobby doesn’t match your energy for their hobby and they talk about it too much. They focus on the happier aspects of their hobby rather than the negative but they are often not blind to the negative. On the whole, they are a positive group.

The snobs are generally annoying people. They are not bad people but something in their personality causes their expressions regarding their hobby to come out twisted. They want the best for their hobby, whether it is flowers or cars or baseball or comic books or whatever, but very rarely find the best. They often note the problems with the physical manifestations of their hobby or the other people that also participate in that hobby, noting how they are doing it wrong. They use their critical thinking skills, which is a good thing, but often express their concerns in a manner that is more critical than helpful. Their reaction to their hobby may cause you to wonder why they bother with their hobby as it seems that they get no joy out of it. Their expectations for their hobby are sometimes not realistic. On the whole, they are a negative group.

Are you an enthusiastic or a snob?

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