23 April 2007

Ramble Mode Activated

My one week stretch on third shift got extended to one month, maybe even one month and a couple days. I got the dreaded 'thing stuck in my eye' problem Saturday morning and removing my contacts didn't help as said item remained in my eye to torment it. This doesn't seem fair to me. As a result, I'm tired, cranky cause I'm wearing my glasses and my eyes are sore. Driving into work last night was no fun at all because I felt blind in the dark and the wind was so strong that it kept blowing my hat off. I am cranky Steve and, in general, just not pleased about stuff. So, let's ramble.

I considered tossing my two cents in the ring about the whole Don Imus thing but I decided against it. I've read my own position enough times to no longer feel the need to express it in length. In short: Don Imus made his living for years saying stupid stuff like this and, while I believe he has every right to say stupid stuff, other people have the right to be offended by him saying stupid stuff. On the other hand, while I can understand being offended by his statement, was it really that big a deal? How does his comment stack up against the images in rap music videoes depicting women? My conclusion: everyone involved on both sides is too eager for attention and I'm already given them too much of mine already.

Switching gears, late night television has gotten worse since the days that I worked nights regularly. Somehow it seems that the amount of 'paid programming' at 3 in the morning has increased to where I was scanning through pages and pages of it. I don't understand why there is 'paid programming' anyway. I have cable tv. All my programming is being paid for already. There's plenty of old programming that's gone into public domain that could be broadcast relatively cheaply. Stupid infomericals.

I don't know why I'm complaining about tv in the middle of the night when I didn't end up watching it anyway. This is why I have DVDs and the whole 'convert my old tapes to DVD' projects to keep me entertained. The bad part about that is that I have all this stuff I can watch and, at 3 in the morning, nothing strikes my fancy. It's not unlike being hungry, not knowing what to eat, going to look at a full cupboard and then going out for fast food because you don't what to eat anything you already own. Worst yet is going out to get food you could make yourself. I have all the seasons of 'Futurama' on DVD. I never watch the DVD but I watch the airings on Adult Swim all the time. Why? I can watch whichever episode I want but I let the broadcaster decide for me. I have too many options. Sometimes they overwhelm me and I watch what they give me. Saturday night I sat at the Compound and we watched the 'Lost in Space' movie from satellite. Why? It caught our attention and it's really quite a good movie, certainly better than I remembered. Did we have better options? Probably but we accepted what they gave us and went from there.

Does any of this have a point? Not really.

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