08 April 2007

Ideas Continued

One of the problems with announcing that you have an idea is that people want to know about it. This is not the worst thing in the world, having people being interested in your ideas is not a bad thing at all. The problem is that I have the idea but then found out that I wasn't ready to go with the idea just yet. I have the story plotted out on paper, as well as the basic characters, but I lack the 'key' scene. I don't have that first scene to write that lets me put all the other pieces in place. So that's still stewing in my brain.

I have another novel that I've started and I've been making good progress on another story featuring El Hombre de Silla. The El Hombre story is actually an expansion of a scene I wrote awhile ago. The story is written in the first person from the perspective of Patrick Thompson, 'hero' of the first novel I wrote. The novel idea is a 'what if?' of sorts based on an unfinished concept from years before.

I'd like to say my delay in posting has been due to being really busy but, at best, I've been busy. The rest is just lazy and Wii and new Doctor Who. Mmm, new Doctor Who...

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